6 Ways Branding Can Benefit Your Business

Many people know that having branding helps your business look good, but the effects can actually go much deeper and have a more profound impact on your business. A solid brand acts as a bridge between you and your audience. It creates a connection point that helps them find, understand and trust you.

In this article I’m going to break this concept down into six steps of how branding can benefit your business.

Table of contents

  • Clarifies with strategy

  • Delights with aesthetics

  • Tells a clear message

  • Evokes emotion

  • Builds trust

  • Grows a community

  • In summary 

1. Clarifies with strategy  

Your brand strategy is your brand foundation. It’s a tangible guide in how to connect with your audience and defines your purpose, mission, vision and so much more.

With an effective brand strategy, you'll have clarity on who you are as a brand, how you are different, who your people are, and how you speak to them. This can transform the way you show up in business, and transform the way people perceive you. It is the very starting point for building a lasting brand.


2. Delights with aesthetics 

Never underestimate the power of beauty. It is a gift to the senses, and a pleasure that you bring to people through your brand’s visual aesthetic. It can affect how someone feels about your brand in an instant, and can give an overall elevated experience each time they interact with you.

We can use art to tell your story and connect to a more profound part of people. Colour can create feelings of welcome, type style can create drama or elegance, while photography shows people a world they could be a part of with your brand.   

3. Tells a clear message

The language you use to communicate your brand and offering can either resonate with, or confuse your audience. Through the process of branding, we help you uncover all that you are about, and then figure out how to communicate this effectively. By telling your message in a clear and thoughtful way, we help your audience see your value, understand your ethos, and feel inspired to purchase.


4. Evokes emotion

People may not always remember what you say or do, but they'll always remember how you make them feel. Why does this matter in branding? Emotions are processed by the limbic part of the brain. This part is also responsible for trust, loyalty, and all human decision making.

Ultimately, how people feel about your brand is what will inspire them to choose you. Through intentional language and design choices, we can give people feelings (like joy, peace, or nostalgia) that helps them feel positively around your brand, and calls them to engage further.

5. Builds trust 

The one feeling that is essential across all brands is trust. Trust is the key that unlocks the door to purchase, and through branding we can build it.

We can craft messaging that helps people understand you, and also feel understood by you. We can create a visual aesthetic that looks professional, elevated and trustworthy. We can dive deep into your values and mission, and then figure out exactly how you put these into action, so that what you say and do lines up. Ultimately, branding gives you the words, visual assets and guidelines needed to show up consistently and cohesively, so that people trust your brand.


6. Grows a community 

As more people purchase from you, and see how how amazing your product is, word starts to spread. More people will find, follow and fall in love with your brand. As you grow this following, you can start to build a relationship with your community.

Open up a dialogue, ask them what they value, what they need, and then evolve your business to even better serve your community. Ultimately, a brand is a living, breathing thing, and therefore branding is an ongoing process that keeps you relevant and connected to your audience.

In summary

We believe branding is a beautiful journey that helps you discover what you are truly about, and then manifest this into the real world so you can impact people and work in your dream business.

We love supporting women on this journey, so if you would like to find out exactly how, check out our offerings page here.

And don’t forget to check out all the free resources too :) > RESOURCES

Kat x


Finding Freedom Through Your Business


How to Discover Your Brand Heart For a Meaningful Business