For any other questions, please send me an email at hello@craftedwild.co.uk or book in a connection call.

  • Absolutely! Your brand and it’s needs are unique, so after having our initial connection call, I will put together a proposal for you with a few package options that include the services you are interested in, plus any add ons.

  • Your brand is the very first impression people have of your business. People assume your quality based on the quality of your presentation, therefore having seamless branding is how you build value perception and trust in your audience. A thorough branding process takes time to research into your audience and industry, build a solid strategy, and execute refined visuals with an acute attention to detail.

  • I understand branding can be a big investment, therefore we can break the payment in up to 4 parts. Bigger projects including branding and website can be broken up into more parts.

  • Branding Essentials (just the design) takes 4 weeks. Full Branding (design and strategy) takes 6 weeks. Website design takes 2-3 weeks. Before agreeing to anything we will set out a timeline container and payment schedule.

  • My goal always is to give you a flexible branding system with a logo for each context you may need one.

    Your primary logo is the one you use in most places.

    Your secondary logo will be a variation of your primary logo, for example in a vertical or circle lockup

    Your submark logo is a simplified version of your logo to be used in smaller contexts, for example your Instagram profile photo or in the corner of a leaflet or business card.

    Your favicon logo is a very simplified icon to be used in your website tab.

    Your brand marks are extra graphic marks that might not include your brand name, but perhaps your subline or an icon. These can be used as decoration throughout your branding.

  • Currently my pricing is set at:

    Brand Essentials - £2000+

    Full Branding - £3500+

    Website - £2000+

    The investment will be more if you require add ons, such as packaging, business cards, templates etc. In your proposal I will create a few package options for you to choose from, based upon what we discussed in our connection call. Please note that whilst I'm keen to create a package that works for you, out of value for my craft, I do not lower my pricing.

  • Yes and I love to! From your mission to collaboration ideas to sustainable print and packaging, I am here to help guide you and brainstorm ideas. I can also advise on printers, suppliers and types of packaging to ensure your brand does as little damage to the earth as possible.

  • You will first be sent a brand presentation which displays your branding. Then you have 2 rounds of revisions. Once you are happy with everything, all of your brand assets (logos, fonts, patterns etc…) will be saved out in the necessary file formats, organised into folders, and uploaded into your online client portal.

  • Most files will be saved out as JPEG, PNG and EPS format. Things like packaging artwork, business cards and leaflets will be saved as PDFs. Either way, I'll make sure you have all the file types you need :)

  • The brand presentation is a 30+ page document that you will be sent displaying your branding, including written rationale for the design choices and loose guidance on how to implement. The brand guidelines are a document that go into more depth as to how to implement your branding and stay consistent, for example do’s and don’ts to using the logos, colours, photography and templates.

  • For the past three years I've been working from different places in the world, with clients from all around the world. There has never been a project that hasn't worked because of timezone differences. Most of our communication happens via email and any calls we have we can find a time that works for both of us.

  • Begin by going to the ‘work together’ page and either fill out the inquiry form or book a free connection call. The connection call is a time for us to get to know each other, and if at the end we each feel aligned, I'll go away and create your proposal.